Health Services
Welcome to Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School Health Services. We’re here to help your student, because we know that a student’s ability to learn is directly related to their health.
The school health program at Lincoln Park is designed to promote student, staff, and community wellness. The school nurse supports student success by providing health care through screenings, assessment, intervention, collaboration and follow-up for all the children within the school setting.
Our goal is to assure a safe, healthy environment that is conductive to learning, and to provide professional care for those who may become ill or injured while at school. Ultimately, through close collaboration with families, our staff, and outside medical professionals, LP Health Services will work to ensure that our students today will become healthy and productive adults in the future.
Susan Statler
Head School Nurse
Health forms and information
Go to (tab: School Health Topics A-Z) for forms, information and facts regarding school health
High-quality health care coverage from CHIP Apply/Renew or 800-986-kidsSchool Policy for administration of medication by school personnel is based on Pennsylvania State Law as well as administrative guidelines issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
Students are NOT permitted to keep medication on their person or in lunch boxes, lockers and/or purses. Exceptions are EpiPens or asthma inhalers, but must have parent consent form and physician order on file in health office.
Only essential medication should be taken at school. Any medication required to take during the school day must be brought to the health office in the original prescription/packaging. A parent consent form and physician order must be on file. A new order/consent is required each school year.
Any medication (prescription and non-prescription) that is required on an “as needed” basis must be kept in the health office with physician order and parent consent on file. All medication must be in original labeled prescription or over the counter bottle/packaging.
There are standing orders for a list of OTC medications the nurse may administer if parent permission is indicated on the Emergency Care Card. There is a limit to the amount the nurse is able to give throughout the school year. If the student continues to require that medication (i.e. Tylenol/Ibuprofen), a medication order will need to be obtained from the student’s personal physician.
Medication orders may also be faxed directly to the school from the physician’s office.
Medications are not to be shared with other students. Violations will be dealt with according to discipline policy—see student handbook.
Do not send medications into school without all required paperwork on file, it will be sent back home with student.
Pennsylvania school law requires school physicals for students entering school (Kindergarten), Grade Six, and Grade Eleven. Either the school doctor or the family doctor may do the exams. District policy states that we will accept any physical done within one year prior to a student’s entry into the grade where an exam is required. That is, we will accept any private physical done from August (start of grade 10) to the date of the exam (Spring of junior year). A copy of a driver’s permit or license may be accepted as proof of physical.
The School Health Code of Pennsylvania requires a dental exam for all students in grade 7. Either the school dentist or your family dentist may do the exam. The school dentist will come to LP during the school year for a screening, free of cost. If you choose not to have your child participate, a private dental form must be turned in.
Asthma, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) is a chronic lung disease that inflames the airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. Students may carry and self-administer their inhaler ONLY if following paperwork is on file in the health office each school year:
An allergy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is an abnormal immune response to a certain substance that the body reacts to as harmful. A severe allergic reaction with rapid onset can be life threatening. These reactions are also known as anaphylaxis. The most common causes of anaphylaxis are food allergies and insect bites/stings. Students may carry their epi-pen ONLY if the following paperwork is on file in the health office each school year:
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), diabetes is defined as a group of diseases marked by high levels of blood glucose resulting from defects in insulin production, insulin action, or both. The following paperwork must be on file in the health office each school year:
Seizure disorders, according to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CDC), occur when abnormal electrical activity in the brain causes an involuntary change in body movement or function, sensation, awareness or behavior. The term seizure disorder can be used interchangeably with the term epilepsy. The following paper work must be on file in the health office each school year:
Pennsylvania’s school immunization requirements can be found in 28 PA Code Ch.23 (School Immunization). Proof of immunization means a written record showing the dates (month, day, year) your child was immunized. Please request an updated immunization record anytime a new immunization is given at the doctor’s office and turn in to the nurse.
Medical exemption: when the physical condition of the child is such that immunization would endanger life or health. (Requires Physician’s signature.)
Religious exemption: when the parent/guardian adheres to a religious belief whose teachings are opposed to such immunizations. (Requires parent/guardian signature.)
If your child is exempt from immunizations, he or she may be removed from school during an outbreak.
The following screenings are required by Pennsylvania School Health Law. They will be done by the school nurse. Please notify the school nurse in writing if you wish to have the screenings done by your family doctor. Parent/guardian will be notified of results.
Height/Weight: All grades
Vision: All grades
Hearing: Grade 7 and 11 and all special education students
Scoliosis: Grade 7