Writing and Publishing
Writing and Publishing
Writing and Publishing
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Writing and Publishing
Mission Statement
Writing is the single most important skill students can possess in today’s information-based economy. Yet test scores and evidence from around the nation show it’s a skill that is on the decline. The Writing and Publishing Department (formerly the Literary Arts Department) at Lincoln Park helps students develop and perfect this invaluable ability, training young writers in a challenging but supportive environment. Some of our students want to be poets or screenwriters; some want to work in the publishing industry; and some want to be doctors, public policymakers or researchers. All of them will receive an education that will equip them with the ability to excel in a wide variety of careers.
Students in Writing and Publishing are taught by working authors and writers. Instruction has been supplemented by such acclaimed guests as Lee Gutkind (the “Godfather” of creative nonfiction); National Book Award-winning poet Terrance Hayes; screenwriter, poet and author Jim Daniels (Mr. Pleasant); FOUND Magazine founder Davy Rothbart (author of My Heart Is an Idiot); poet and Marvel Comics author Yona Harvey; the late Jeff Zazlow (co-author of the bestseller The Last Lecture); Neil McCormick (author of Killing Bono); professional ghostwriter Toni Rubino, WordPlay founder Alan Olifson; Sharon Dilworth of Autumn House Press; and numerous other authors, journalists and literary figures.
Courses offered includes:
Classic Comics: 1938-1986
Film Studies
Why We Think What We Think: A Survey of Western Philosophy
Professional Writing
Argument and Controversy
Books You Should Have Read By Now
Violence in Literature
Shakespeare vs. SpongeBob: A History of Archetypes
50 Poems in 50 Days
Writing workshops in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, screenwriting, and more
Course of Study
All Writing and Publishing students begin by taking introductory classes in each of the major genres (poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and screenwriting), which prepare students for writing workshops – the heart of the Writing and Publishing curriculum. This curriculum is modeled on courses offered by Carnegie Mellon University, long recognized as one of the finest writing programs in the country.
In addition to core writing classes, the Lincoln Park Writing and Publishing Department also offers instruction in a variety of special topic areas. Our curriculum includes classes in subjects from philosophy to argumentative writing, from public speaking to film and cultural studies, to help create well-rounded writers and students. These courses are offered on a rotating basis.
The department offers numerous publishing opportunities, including the chance to work on the staffs of The SIREN, Lincoln Park’s school newspaper, and Pulp, Lincoln Park’s award-winning literary journal. In addition, the department is the home of BatCat Press, the nation’s only high school student-run press, which has published hand-made books by nationally known authors like Daniel Wallace (Big Fish), Jim Daniels, Davy Rothbart, and Renee Emerson, among others.